Tuesday, November 17, 2009


To be in the world and to dream
awake and softly sleeping,
one candle in the light of day
its flame not in comparison
to the awakening sun.
I wish quietly that you were here,
here in the empty pages,
here in the filtered light.
I prefer to write on canvas
seeing the truth
in the absence of sound;
where is your voice?
Nestled in my corner of madness
I smile at the peering eyes that guess
who am I?
Conversations buy wind
increasing the saturation,
perhaps it’s time for music?
Shall I dance alone
to the melody
as I have danced the dance
of ghosts gone by?
Or once,
once in the empty spaces
will you grab my hand,
that I might
be in the world; to not dream,
awake, no longer sleeping;
a universe
against the soft light of the sun.

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