My brain boils as I watch them. Longing to remember what it was like to be human. So long ago. Miles away from a shore I never visit. I am The Hunter now. My real name doesn't matter anymore. If I could remember it, who would cry out. Shout for me in the madness. Not these creatures. Not the lonely stars staring at my aged face. Not her...
Tears as pale as the moon. If she could say my name it would be worth remembering. But I am no master of death. I run from it with every sword, every stroke. I've always run. Killing to survive. I could stop. Stop hunting them. All these faces, all of these people walking would burst through. Dragons are known to bend dimensions. They can't see it, waiting for them, hungry.
I could lie. Say I do it for them. But I'm no fool. When I fight I know it's to feel. It stopped when they took her, the feeling, the caring. My hands shake. For someone who hates life, I really shouldn't be so afraid to die.
Still there he sits. In plain sight he sleeps. I blend in with everyone, the mindless humans who don't believe. Who can't see. One of the most beautiful things in the universe; a dragon with his eyes closed.
I've watched stars explode. Light devour galaxies. Suns burn the surface of worlds. Her face. It's the one thing i can't forget. I see it in the monster sleeping. She loved that moment, right before. I can still see it now. In the reflection of it's eyes opening. Her smile.
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